Hey, I'm Luuk Spierings

I'm a .NET Developer, Student, Webdesigner and Business co-owner.


Smokey Eljoe
A small and simple website I designed and developed for a friend of mine. I developed it using the same system as for 'Spierings Boomkwekerij' and mainly using components I already implemented before, so it only took a few hours.
Development Design
Spierings Boomkwekerij
A website I designed and developed for the company of my parents. The front-end is implemented using plain HTML, SCSS and a bit of JQuery, the backend is implemented in a C# .NET Core project which exports the website to PHP. Everything is parameterized such that the components can be edited using a CMS and are reusable for future projects.
Development Design
PubKings is a company that sells pubquizzes. My girlfriend and I created the company out of passion for (pub)quizzes, games and gameshows. We create pubquizzes using a self-built management system and offer them on the website where users can choose, buy and directly print them.
The challenges during development were mainly dynamically creating PDFs, implementing a question selection algorithm and integrating a secure payment flow. The application is implemented in C# with .NET Core. It is still an ongoing project where I keep the application running in production and periodically add new features to the management system and webshop.
Development Design Business
This was a project during my Software development bachelor. It's a game developed using plain C++ and a small graphics library, so the main work went into setting up the architecture, the gameloop and features for the game engine. After I fininished my bachelor I ported it to Android and published it on the Google Play store.
Development Student
On Google Play On Github